Wave Introduction: How do Waves Originate?
Why the study of Waves?
Basic wave concepts are critical to many fields in science and engineering.
Waves form the basis in many areas ranging from the study of sound and light to the study of
seismic events, from signal analysis to quantum mechanics, and from ac electrical circuits to the stability of structures in
engineering applications.
Where do Waves originate?
Waves are everywhere. There are a variety of wave types, however, we
must begin by first understanding where waves come from. Fundamentally,
waves originate as a result of a disturbance. Although the mechanisms differ greatly,
the disturbance travels through space as a wave.
Let's look at several types of
disturbances and see what we can learn about the creation of waves.
What do the above waves have in common, and how do they differ?
Through your observations of the above waves, can you find some similarities
and differences? Try to answer the following questions discover some concepts
that are important about these waves?
The main distinction between mechanical and electro-magnetic waves is that mechanical waves require a medium to carry them whereas electro-magnetic waves can travel in empty space.